Leap Into Healing

Leap Into Healing

Every step of growth, no matter how subtle, is a leap into healing.
— Tarek Ali


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Leap into Healing

Daily Affirmations, Mindset Shifts, Tools for Growth, ‘Ask Tarek,’ and more Guided Healing from Tarek Ali himself.

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The #1 Health & Fitness Podcast Healing Millions in 200+ countries.


           what is 

Leap into Healing

An initiative to heal the world through technology & media.


First founded by Tarek Ali, who is now establishing the Leap Into Healing Collective: a network of healers, physicians, psychologists, therapists, filmmakers, software engineers, entrepreneurs, and more joining forces to strategize different ways to spread healing around the world—through media & technology.


Providing tools and resources for healing with the subscriber-edition of the #1 podcast healing millions, “THAT Conversation with Tarek Ali.”

The first step